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Deliberate cruelty to a kitten

Young Jazz survives horrific abuse

A kitten was beaten, punched, kicked, strangled, thrown and nearly drowned during a horrific act of extreme violence.

Cat Jazz before care © RSPCA Witnesses saw a man squeezing the kitten's neck like he was trying to strangle her before punching her in the face.  They saw him kick her onto a pathway then pick her up by the scruff, swing her around before throwing her across a car park with the cat hitting the back of the car.

The witnesses took the tabby and white kitten called Jazz, who was soaking wet and gurgling as if struggling to breathe, and rushed the young animal to a nearby veterinary practice for urgent veterinary attention.

Jazz was hypothermic, breathing quickly and bleeding from her mouth.  Some of her teeth had been knocked out, she had bruising around her neck, her abdomen was tender and the vet suspected her tail had been dislocated. The young cat was clearly distressed and suffering. The vet concluded her injuries were consistent with kicking and attempted drowning.

Thorough investigation 

Cat Jazz after care © RSPCA Our RSPCA inspector thoroughly investigated the incident and discovered previous veterinary records relating to many other cats the man had owned during the previous two years.

The man responsible pleaded guilty to causing Jazz unnecessary suffering and at sentencing magistrates said:

"This offence which brings you here has been regarded as so serious that only custody is appropriate.  It involved prolonged and sustained attack on a vulnerable kitten - something witnessed by others and causing an extreme distress to them and to the cat."

Jazz has since recovered and been happily rehomed.

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