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How to keep cats out of your garden

Some people can become frustrated by neighbourhood cats in their garden. Equally, many owners worry about cats in their garden due to threats of fighting between their own feline and others. The following tips can help deter cats from your garden safely and humanely, without harming them.

Cat deterrents for your garden

If a neighbourhood cat is disturbing your garden, there are ways to deter them humanely:

  • Don't offer cats food, as they're more likely to return.
  • Plant shrubs closely, grow prickly plants or use small pebbles or chippings to make it difficult for cats to dig.
  • Keep flowerbeds watered, as some cats don't like wet earth.
  • Shoo them away by shouting or clapping.
  • Install an automatic spray that detects movement.
  • Make it difficult to enter the garden with high, close-boarded fences.
  • Ask the owner if the cat is neutered and ask them to ensure there's a suitable toilet area in their own garden.

For more information, have a read of our advice on deterring cats.

Keeping your cat safe outside

Cats often defend their own territory. When two felines both feel an area is theirs, fights can break out, causing injury and distress.

Here's how to avoid cat fights:

  • Organise a timeshare with your neighbour - agree set times when each of your cats will be outside. That way, both cats can enjoy the garden without disturbing each other.
  • Stop other cats from coming inside your home by fitting a cat-flap that only opens for your cat's microchip.
  • Try to prevent other cats from entering your garden by securing holes in fences or hedges.
  • Provide a litter tray indoors so your cat can choose to stay in if they're feeling unsafe.

Remember to check your cat regularly for signs of injury or changes in behaviour. If you're worried, ask your local vet for advice.

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