Before you take your reptile home there are a few things we’d recommend you do
- before you collect your reptile it’s important that you have the right environment waiting for them. We recommend that you get this set up and run it for at least a week to make sure you’re comfortable with how everything works and give you a chance to iron out any problems that may crop up
- the temperatures in the vivarium should have been constantly maintained for at least three days before you bring the reptile home
- find your nearest exotics specialist vet and register with them. This makes sure you have quick and easy access to any specialist treatment you may need
Taking your reptile home
It will depend on the species of reptile you are rehoming as to the best method to transport them home.
- young lizards, snakes and tortoises can be transported in ventilated plastic containers with soft, absorbent paper on the base and a securely fitted lid
- adult lizards and tortoises can be transported in larger ventilated plastic containers such as a RUB (Really Useful Storage Boxes) with small holes drilled in the sides to increase ventilation; soft, absorbent paper or newspaper on the base, and a securely fitted lid
- large adult lizards and adult snakes can be transported in a securely tied cloth bag, within a well-ventilated plastic tub, such as a RUB, to prevent injury.
Individual transportation is best to reduce the risk of injury. Bags should not be laid on top of each other as sometimes one animal can bite or injure another through the bag. Some lizard species (e.g. chameleons) should be provided with something to perch on
During transportation your animal should be kept out of draughts. In colder weather or if travelling long distances, a small heat source (e.g. hot water bottle or microwaveable heat pad) may be used so that the animal does not become too cold in transit, although ensure that they don’t overheat.
The heat source should be wrapped in a towel and placed outside but next to one end of the transport box. Never place a heat source directly into the transport container as there is a risk of thermal burns should your reptile sit on/around the heat source, and they may not move away even if it becomes too hot.
Travelling time should always be kept to a minimum to reduce stress for your reptile.
Settling in
When the day comes to take your reptile home, we recommend that they complete any remaining days of their 90-day quarantine period in your home. Part of this quarantine period will have already happened at the rescue centre – check with the rescue centre how much longer they need to be in quarantine. This is to avoid spreading of any diseases to other reptiles in your home and to ensure they are in good health.
Place the plastic container or bag carefully inside the vivarium and open it gently to allow your snake to emerge. Secure the vivarium, turn off the room lights and close the door to the room where the vivarium is kept. This will help to reduce stress. Leave the snake alone until the following morning when you can check back on them. It’s best not to handle your snake unnecessarily for the first week but instead allow them time to become used to their new environment.
Lizards and tortoises
Carefully place your animal inside the enclosure. Give them some food and water, secure the enclosure and then leave them alone until the following day to reduce any stress. It’s best not to handle them unnecessarily for the first week but instead allow them time to become used to their new environment