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Rats are intelligent, highly social animals and make incredibly rewarding pets to look after. They can form close bonds with their human carers – as well as cage-mates and should therefore never be kept on their own – but have complex needs and are difficult to look after well.

Domestic rats are descended from the brown rat or Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). The biology and behaviour of our pet rats is very similar to that of their wild cousins, and even lab rats released into a 'wild' setting behave in the same ways as their wild counterparts. Here are some of our favourite facts about rats!

rat being held up to smiling woman's face

Top rat facts

  • There are several different kinds of rat, varying mainly in colour. 
  • Like humans, rats go through multiple stages of sleep. Rats experience slow-wave sleep to REM sleep and even have dreams. They're normally active at night, at dawn and at dusk.
  • Rats laugh when they're tickled. Scientists have found that when rats are happy or excited, they emit very high-pitched squeaks (too high for us to hear), which is rat 'laughter'. Rats remember which humans have tickled and played with them in the past, and prefer to spend time with those people. Another way to tell if a rat is happy is that their ears turn pink!
  • They have an excellent sense of touch, and a wonderful sense of smell.
  • Rats have interesting anatomy. They can't be sick, and they have continually growing teeth that they need to keep at the correct length and shape by gnawing on objects. 
  • Rats live for around two years, but some may live longer. Although two years may appear a short time in comparison to other pets, owning rats is still a big responsibility and commitment. 

There's no single 'perfect' way to care for rats, because every rat is unique and every situation is different. It's up to you how you look after them, as long as you make sure you give them everything they need.

Adopt a rat

Interested in keeping pet rats? Take a look at our pet search to see all the rats available for rehoming. You can also learn more about how to keep your rat healthy and happy in our guide to rat behaviour.

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