Carousel Calendars
Working with Carousel Calendars means we're able to feature the nation's most loved animals in four beautiful calendars and a pocket diary, for all to enjoy throughout the year.

With the success of the initial calendars, we have now expanded the range with a pocket diary.
The calendar range includes; 'I Love Kittens', 'I Love Puppies','British Horses' and a 'British Wildlife' slim calendar that features a selection of mammals and birds that can be spotted in the British countryside.
A percentage of all sales for the calendars is made directly to the RSPCA, which is used for our vital animal welfare work.
Where to buy
Products are available from Calendar Club, ASDA, Clinton Cards, Martin McColls, The Range, Rymans, Tesco and in various national and independent garden centres.
The calendars are also available on the RSPCA Shop Online.
Carousel Calendars have been working with the RSPCA for many years on their range of licensed dated product. The titles of Puppies, Kittens, Horses, Wildlife and Slim Animals Diary has grown significantly in popularity over recent years and reflects the clear message of the RSPCA's invaluable work.
The combination of the RSPCA's huge brand appeal and stunning imagery appeals to all pet and wildlife lovers and can be purchased in a wide variety of retail markets including high street, grocers, garden centres and Independents. Carousel Calendars looks forward to continuing its work with the RSPCA and take the brand message forward for many years to come.