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End greyhound racing in the UK

#CutTheChase. Many are familiar with the sport where greyhounds race around a track, chasing a mechanical hare to the finish line. 

Once a sport deeply ingrained in British culture, greyhound racing's popularity is thankfully declining. This is a positive reflection of a modern and conscientious society, one where the risk of suffering in the name of fun isn't tolerated. Sadly, it's still legal and enjoyed at the bookmakers and by spectators.

Worse still, greyhound racing leads to thousands of dog deaths and painful injuries. 

Dangerous dog racing

Protect future generations of greyhounds

Animals' lives are not to be gambled. Yet every year, thousands of dogs face a life of uncertainty, injury and even death in the name of sport, fun and profit.

The UK needs to get up to speed. We think this is possible to do through a phase-out programme. This is a move that would protect future generations of greyhounds from the dangerous consequences of these races.

We've joined forces with our friends at Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, Hope Rescue and Greyhound Rescue Wales to make sure this happens.

Stop greyhound racing in Wales for good

Wales is one of ten countries where commercial greyhound racing still takes place - alongside England, Scotland and Ireland.

While we're disappointed to see the only remaining track in Wales, the Valley Greyhound Stadium, become licensed - there's still hope. The Welsh Government is currently reviewing greyhound racing in Wales, and with your help, we can encourage them to stop this cruel 'sport' for good. We're also hopeful England will follow suit.

Thousands of you responded to the consultation 

Thank you for supporting the recent consultation to ban greyhound racing in Wales. This action is now closed.

Please sign up to our campaign newsletter to receive updates to be the first to find out about the issues that matter – and how you can give animals a voice.

Greyhound racing facts

  • Greyhound racing endangers dogs to painful injuries and death.
  • Data from Hope Rescue demonstrates that Wales is, too often, the final stop for unwanted, injured and poorly performing racing greyhounds from Ireland and England.
  • Between 2018 and 2021, Hope Rescue's Amazing Greys project helped over 200 racing greyhounds.
  • Of these dogs, 40 endured serious, career-ending injuries. These included severe fractures needing significant vet care, amputation or orthopaedic repair.
  • The true number of injuries in Wales is difficult to know, as in the past there was no vet at the track and no requirement to publish the number of injuries or deaths. Now that the track is licensed, a vet will be required at the track.
  • Wales has no greyhound-specific regulations and its last remaining track has just become licensed However, licensing doesn't solve the issue and doesn't protect dogs.
  •  Data from GBGB show that over 2,200 greyhounds died and over 22,000 injuries were recorded from greyhound racing between 2018 and 2022.
  • By the age of 3.5 years old, 50% of greyhounds are no longer racing.
  • By five years old, 90% of greyhounds are no longer racing.
  • Around 6000 greyhounds leave the licensed industry each year, with many needing to find new homes. This leaves charities and rescue organisations to pick up the pieces.
  • Many dogs aren't properly socialised, trained or provided healthcare.
  • Sadly, the industry is poorly and inconsistently regulated. There's little formal education for non-vet people working within the independent racing sector.
  • At its peak, there were 250 licensed tracks in the UK. Today, only 21 remain with a singular unlicensed track in Great Britain.

*Not all of these dogs will have raced in Wales. Some may have finished their racing lives outside of Wales but were surrendered to the project due to their racing owners having links with the Welsh track.