Meet the Buttercup Farm Friendsample
Rufus the dog
Rufus loves to play - in fact 'let's play' is one of his favourite phrases! You'll always find him doing something... He's not great at sitting still. Although he's not mischievous by nature, he doesn't think before he acts which can sometimes get him into trouble! He's loving and loyal, especially to his friends.
Ruby the cat
You can trust Ruby to be kind and loving, and she cares for her friends more than anything! She always plays by the rules, and she is not going to change any time soon! She's more than happy playing and taking naps in her favourite spots. Ruby and Rufus are old friends and can usually be found together!
Hetty the hen
You'll hear Hetty straight away! She loves to chat with anyone who will listen and has some great stories to share! She's quite happy pottering about, looking for someone to talk to (quite often Penelope the pig!)
Penelope the pig
Penelope loves to pamper herself in in the water nearly as much as she loves to gossip! She's always the first animal to hear a story and the first pig to go to for news. Oh, and you'll never find her near mud, yuck!
Seymour the fox
A smart fox, Seymour sometimes gets himself into trouble with his clever ideas. He can usually be found plotting with his best friend Reggie, and when he's not getting into mischief, he's playing hide and seek on the farm with the other animals!
Harry the hedgehog
The funniest animal on the farm, Harry will have you laughing your socks off! You can find him by following the sound of giggling! Always entertaining his friends, Harry is not to be serious!
Albert the donkey
Albert is a clumsy animal, a donkey who can never stay quiet, as hard as he tries! He loves to spend his days rolling around laughing at Harry's jokes and of course, eating a good snack (or three!)
Daisy the cow
Daisy looks after the other animals, and sings to them whenever they like! She is a great friend, and will cheer up any animal that has lost their bounce! If you ever need help, Daisy's the friend you want to keep!
Dilly the duck
Clumsy like Albert, Dilly has duck feet that sometimes trip him up! Dilly the duck cares for his friends and throws the best swimming parties! Like Penelope, Dilly is always spotless because he loves bath time!
Reggie the badger
Always looking for an adventure, Reggie is another mischievous animal on the farm. He can often be found close behind Seymour, looking for trouble! Unlike Ruby, you'll never see this badger napping all day, not when there's fun to be had!