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How to apply for Home for Life

If you've ever had concerns about what will happen to your pet in the event of your death, Home for Life can give you reassurance and peace of mind. When the time comes, we'll take your pet in and care for it as our own, doing everything we can to find it a loving new home.

Here's how to apply for the Home for Life scheme:

Step 1 - write or amend your Will

We always recommend that you add the suggested Home for Life wording to your Will. This ensures that should the time come, your Executor will be fully aware of your wishes and that any arrangements about your pet will be formally recognised by the RSPCA.

In other words, writing or updating your Will helps to make sure there's no uncertainty about who you want to look after your pet in the event of your death.

You may also like to protect other animals with a gift in your Will.

There's no charge for the Home for Life scheme. But please do consider leaving a gift to us in your Will to help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome neglected animals. As the UK's largest and oldest animal charity, you can be sure your gift will provide vital care to animals, extending the love we'll show your pet to the many others who aren't as lucky.

To include Home for Life in a new or existing Will, download the suggested Home for Life wording.

Step 2 - complete an application

Applying for Home for Life is relatively simple - there are two easy ways to apply:

Step 3 - keep your documents safe

It's important to make a copy of your Will and ensure someone you trust knows where the original is kept.

Step 4 - let others know your plans

Telling your family and friends, as well as the Executor of your Will, that you have registered your pet with the Home for Life scheme means that everybody knows your plans.

It's also very helpful if you can arrange for a family member or friend to take your pet in temporarily when the time comes, while we make arrangements to welcome them into one of our animal centres.

Step 5 - relax!

That's it! Once you've completed the above steps, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing we'll look after your pet should they outlive you. If you have any questions feel free to get in contact.

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