How to become a wildlife volunteer
Last year, we received over 83,000 calls about wildlife in need. From getting entangled in netting to being injured by discarded empty cans and broken glass, wild animals are facing dangerous hazards in their natural habitats. Sadly, many of the reported incidents could have been avoided.
We want to create a world where all animals are respected and treated with compassion – which is why we have four specialist wildlife centres that rehabilitate injured wildlife across England and Wales. But we can’t save every animal alone – we need everyone, across society, to play their part. We’re seeking volunteers from all walks of life to become an RSPCA Wildlife Friend.
Rebecca Machin, the Scientific and Policy Officer in our wildlife department explains why we’re looking for people to join our million strong movement:
“As we celebrate our 200th birthday, we want to inspire and empower more people to be animal champions. We’d like to make gardens a better place for wildlife, from removing hazards like netting, which can seriously injure or kill, to ensuring that outdoor spaces help a range of wild animals to flourish. We have some simple solutions to help create a safe haven for the wildlife on your doorstep.”
Volunteer as an RSPCA Wildlife Friend
All you need to become a Wildlife Friend is a smartphone or computer, a little bit of spare time, and lots of enthusiasm!
Our activities can be completed no matter where you live – you don’t need a garden, backyard or balcony. You can carry out good deeds for wildlife in communal or public spaces and get friends, family and neighbours involved too. There are even tasks you can do to support wildlife from your sofa!
How it works
As a Wildlife Friend, you’ll be given access to a handy online app called Assemble, which allows you to pick and choose from a ‘menu’ of actions and log all the activities you complete.
We’ll keep you updated with a monthly newsletter and you’ll meet our team of wildlife experts who’ll share their knowledge and passion for wildlife through videos and news articles.
You’ll be given specialist wildlife advice including the following
What to do if you find sick or injured wildlife.
How to create wildlife-friendly habitats in your area and protect animals from harm.
How to help us campaign and petition for wildlife welfare – sharing advice with your communities and organising wildlife-friendly activities.
What we can achieve together
Our volunteers are incredible, they play an essential role in helping us carry out important animal welfare work every day.
Here’s an example of some of the tasks that our Wildlife Friends complete throughout the year: build bug hotels, promote ‘no mow May’, plant wildlife-friendly plants to support the local ecosystem, create butterfly cafes, make garden treats for birds, take part in the big butterfly count, create mini compost heaps, help hedgehogs get ready for hibernation, and keep wildlife safe from bonfires.
The benefits of wildlife volunteering
Charlotte Lister (36), who lives in Nottinghamshire, signed up to become a Wildlife Friend last year. The experience has done wonders for her physical and mental health.
"I’ve learned to build stick houses to encourage wildlife into my garden and local woodland,” says Charlotte. “My 13-year-old daughter Evie helps and it’s really enjoyable spending time together and developing a greater understanding of our local animal community.
"Evie takes photographs of some of our wildlife creations, which we upload to social media to motivate others to take positive action. I really would encourage others to sign up to be Wildlife Friends as it’s improved my life in so many ways. I’m learning all the time and enjoying the sights and sounds of the great outdoors, while spending quality time with my pets and my daughter.
“Wildlife Friends is ideal as you can fit your tasks in around your life – you document them with the RSPCA app so you have goals to achieve and you really feel you’re making a difference locally."
Wildlife Friend Paul
RSPCA ‘Wildlife Friend’ Paul Bateman, a lifelong nature enthusiast from Goole, is encouraging others to take action for wildlife this spring.
From litter-picking and creating habitats in his garden to transporting injured animals to the vet, Paul’s dedication to conservation is unwavering. A former national park ranger, he also supports badger protection groups and works with the police to raise awareness of wildlife crime in his community.
Help wildlife in your area
If you’re interested in volunteering to protect and nurture the precious wildlife in your community, please follow this link to sign up as an RSPCA Wildlife Friend.
This is our chance to work together, everyone for every animal. Let’s celebrate the bond between us and inspire more people to action. Because a world that’s better for animals is better for us all.