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Membership Policy Statement

Thank you very much for showing interest in becoming a member of the RSPCA. We are delighted to welcome new members, as members play a vital role in our organisation and determine who sits on the RSPCA governing Council. In this way we can maintain a democratic and progressive outlook which has sustained the services we offer and the welfare campaigns we run.

Members of the RSPCA may also be given membership of their local RSPCA branch at no extra cost. Our branches are separately registered, volunteer-run charities and are always grateful for more support in helping needy animals in their area.

As a charity, the RSPCA exists to further its aims of promoting kindness and preventing cruelty to animals, rather than to benefit its members. This policy aims to ensure that any membership will benefit the charity.

As such, membership is not an automatic entitlement; and any decision regarding the acceptance of a membership application ultimately lies with the RSPCA Council. Decisions are made under the RSPCA rules and on the basis of what is in the best interests of the charity.

The Council may for example refuse an application or terminate an existing membership where a person's real reason for joining the RSPCA is to promote a purpose other than animal welfare.

We aim to treat all members and applicants fairly. Any information provided on applying for membership will be taken into consideration.

The RSPCA's membership policy is to be as open to as many new members as possible, provided they are over 18 and genuinely motivated by animal welfare reasons.

More information

If you would like further information about the RSPCA, our policies, or our governing and branch rules, simply follow these links or send your request in writing to:

RSPCA Supporter Services,
Chart Way,
West Sussex,
RH12 1GY.

Or email:

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