Aberconwy Branch

How we help local animals

We offer veterinary/financial assistance to help animals most in need in our branch area. Please contact us to find out more.  

We also promote responsible pet ownership through neutering and microchipping campaigns.

We also jointly fund and operate the North Wales Mobile Welfare Clinic. The clinic provides low cost veterinary consultations and treatments to pet owners on low income.

The clinic vists 7 venues across North Wales including Llandudno Rugby Club in our own branch area.  Please visit www.rspcamobileclinic.org.uk/venues-times/ to find out when and where it visits our branch area.  

The clinic is funded entirely by donations and the fund-raising efforts of our volunteers. For that reason we can only afford to offer this service to clients on low income and in receipt of at least one of the following means tested benefits:

• Income Support or Working Tax Credit
• Jobseekers Allowance
• Housing Benefit
• Council Tax Benefit
• Pension Credit

Please bring proof of your benefit when you visit the clinic. All treatments must be paid for at the time of consultation.

Financial assistance checker


07897 525998

9 - 4 Mon - Fri


07897 525998

9 - 4 Mon - Fri