Your donations enable us to undertake every element of the work we do. From items you donate to ous to a legacy gift left to us in your will, every donation makes our work possible and keeps the branch operating.
- Give funds
- JustGiving
- Shop with Amazon Smile
- Buy from our Amazon Wish List
- Donate with PayPal Giving Fund
- Leave a Legacy
- Sign up for Gift Aid
- The gift of time
Donate to Zuko's (Cane Corso cross) vet bill plea via our JustGiving page to help him and other animals like him who end up in our care:
Donate to Molly's (Spaniel / Collie cross) Heart Operation plea via our JustGiving page to help her and other animals like her who end up in our care:
Amazon Smile
If you shop with Amazon, then select us as your charity of choice at Amazon's charity platform called Amazon Smile. Amazon will then donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible purchases directly to us. This is a simple and free way for you to raise money for us every time you shop and your Amazon shopping experience remains the same! Sign up at, and then search for RSPCA Basingstoke and Andover or click here to add us.
Amazon Wish List
See our list of items needed for either our animal rescue, re-homing activities or day to day operations. Simply browse our Amazon Wishlist by clicking here, select the item, quantity and then head to the checkout.
Donate with PayPal Giving Fund
It is easy to make a donation via PayPal Fundraising and you can add Gift Aid too, so your money goes even further.
If you are a frequent user of PayPal, please select us as your favourite charity and it will prompt you to make a donation when you make payments. The occasional additional £1 when you are checking out purchases will really make a difference. It’s easy to do, click on ‘set as favourite charity’ then you will be prompted to log on to your account. Or just go to ‘Make an impact’, bottom right of your PayPal account homepage, select ‘Set your favourite charity’ and type in RSPCA Basingstoke and Andover Branch.
Leave a legacy
Leaving a gift in your will allows you and us to carry on caring long after you die. If you are thinking of making a bequest to us, then your instructions should include “RSPCA Basingstoke and Andover - Registered charity no. 258321”.
Sign up for Gift Aid
By providing us permission to claim Gift Aid on every donation you make allows us to claim 25p for every £1. This means that for every £1 donated or made on the sale of a donated item we are given an extra 25p from the government. Ask any of our team if you can Gift Aid your donation.
The Gift of Time
Donate your time and start volunteering for us. There are lots of different ways you can help so take a look at our volunteer roles and get in touch