Friern Barnet Adoption Centre

Happy endings for our cats

5 year old Matilda found her forever home last month, she will now be spending her days lounging around in the sun and cuddling up with her new owners on the sofa.

We loved having Matilda stay with us at the centre, she was such a loving girl who just needed a second chance at life and luckily that is exactly what she got.


Only a day after she went home, she had settled in nicely and had found the nice warm spot on her new adopters lap!









The lovely chap on the left is Toulouse. He first came in to the RSPCA when his owner could no longer look after him. Toulouse was a little shy at the centre and when his potential adopters came to visit, he wasn't very sure of what to do and he didn't portray his amazing personality. Luckily this didn't put them off.


As you can see in the picture, Toulouse now Bjornen, has well and truly landed on his feet and he definitely approves of his new family. He loves to share the bed with them and is very fond on snuggling up on the sofa with a good film!









We also have an update from Gizmo and Teemu, a duo adopted in February. Their adopters tells us that they have settled fantastically well. 'They are friendly, like to sit on our laps, just love being stroked and exploring the garden. They are still shy of strangers, but already we love them to bits.'