Can you help support the work of Birmingham Animal Hospital?
On average every 30 seconds someone in England and Wales dials the RSPCA's 24-hour cruelty line - for help.
Birmingham Animal Hospital plays one of the leading roles dealing with animals rescued from cruelty and neglect. The hospital admits on average 15 animals every single day that have been rescued by our inspectorate officers. In 2014 we provided veterinary care for over 5,500 stray ill and injured animals of which 1,700 needed surgery.
These are not always cats and dogs but can include rabbits, birds, reptiles and amphibians, as well as wildlife casualties such as foxes, numerous water birds, raptors and snakes.
Most animals are in need of medical attention. The hospital nursing team are called upon to handle any situation that may arise.
From budgies to badgers, our dedicated veterinary team help as many animals in need as possible.
A lot of the animals who come into our hospital need specialist care before they can even begin to find a new home.
The cost of running this hospital annually is a staggering £1.5 million and without public support we simply would be unable to provide the care these animals so desperately need.
Many of the animals in our hospital and centre have had a tough time so it’s very important that their next home is the right home and a home for life.
For that reason we need to find special homes, with special people, who can help our
rescued animals to learn what it’s really like to be in a loving, caring home.
With your support we can help these animals have a better second start in life.
Fundraise as an individual or as part of group.
What ever you decide to do for animal welfare in Birmingham we would just like to say thank you for choosing to support the RSPCA Birmingham Animal Hospital.
Take a look at events page, this where you will find out what the RSPCA is doing in the community right now! EVENTS
There are many imaginative and exciting ways that you can raise funds for RSPCA Birmingham - get started with a FREE fundraising pack.
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