Stapeley Grange Cattery

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Stapeley Grange Cattery

UPDATED: 17.10.24


RSPCA Centres across the country now run a virtual adoption process.  Access to the Cattery is by appointment / invitation only, Thursday to Tuesday 11am - 3pm (CLOSED Wednesdays).

Start the process by checking out Stapeley Grange's website.  Cats are found here as and when they are available for adpotion.

You can fill out a 'Perfect Match Form' via our new online form:

Please note the following:

  • We will not rehome to homes where dogs have never been with other cats
  • Any cats already in the home must be fully vaccinated and neutered (proof of vaccinations required)
  • Cats will be required to remain in the house for a minimum of one month
  • We will ask potential adopters to send in a video of their house/garden, ie short walk around
  • We will arrange a phone call/ video when it’s convenient, to talk about the adoption
  • Videos of any existing animals in the house will be needed
  • You must live within 1 hour 30 minutes of Stapeley Grange
  • Please be patient as we are short staffed currently...thank you. 

Please be mindful of our staff and if you have a cough / covid symptoms when visiting the Cattery with an appointment to view a cat.


If you have animal welfare concerns, please call our national cruelty line for advice: 0300 1234 999 and if you have a badly injured stray or wild animal please call your local vet for advice. Please do not attend a vet practice without calling first.

The Stapeley team are keen to support members of the public through Facebook or via email so if you have any wildlife questions please email: and for cattery questions please email:

We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible so please bear with us. This is an incredibly difficult time for us across the RSPCA and we appreciate your ongoing support.


Stapeley Grange Cattery supports our inspectors by taking in cats and kittens that have been injured, abandoned, neglected or become the victims of cruelty.  The team's remit is to prepare them for rehoming and match potential adoptees so we provide compatible 'forever' homes for all our cats and kittens.  

We also run a small shop selling products to cat owners and the profits help fund our work.

Alongside the Cattery is Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre, one of four RSPCA wildlife centres based in England that rehabilitates sick, injured and orphaned wildlife brought to us by RSPCA inspectors or members of the public.  The Centre's remit is to return wildlife casualties back to the wild when ready.  

Have you lost a pet or found a stray pet - check on Animal Search or Pets Located.

Why not check out our anniversary winter 2024 newsletter, which can be downloaded as a PDF. 

Become a Friend of the Centre to receive  our quarterly newsletter, please sign up HERE

The Cattery are also looking for volunteers who have experience with hand raising kittens from an early age  

The RSPCA and the cattery relies (almost solely) on public donations.  Any support for ours cats can be made via our Justgiving site