Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre

Summer Fair turnout amazing as usual.

Last week we, once again, had fantastic support from the local community after hundreds turned up to our annual summer fair. It is the biggest event of the year for us and this year we were blessed with gorgeous sunny weather throughout the whole day!

Two of the main attractions of the event for visitors are the dog agility and the dog competition but a decision was made to cancel both attractions because it was far too hot for dogs to be outside all day.

Despite cancelling the dog show, there was still plenty for visitors to do, including shopping at one of our many stalls, eating delicious foods, visiting the cattery and education centre and having a go at one of the many games we had available.

We’re pleased to say that the event raised £6,500 so a massive thanks to everyone who made this possible, including all the companies and individuals who donated food, drinks and prizes for our amazing raffle. We’d also like to say a big thank you to everyone who volunteered and made the day a success, the day would not be possible without our amazing volunteers.

Our fundraising team doesn’t stop and already they are planning our second biggest event of the year - our Christmas fair! It might seem early to be thinking about Christmas, but we want this year’s festive fundraiser - on Sunday 2 December - to be the best one yet. Last year we had to cancel it at late notice because of the heavy snow - surely that can’t happen twice in a row!

We also have two bat walk events coming up, which will fundraise for us. On Sunday 26 August, for the first time ever we will be holding a bat walk for adults. Our bat walks for children are always very popular and we’re often asked often if we can do one for adults, so this time we have! It starts at 7.30pm and costs £6 per person.

The following evening, on Monday 27 August, we’ll be holding our popular bat walk for kids, which kicks off at 7pm. Again, it is £6 per person.

As always, we are very thankful for the support we get from the local community - it means so much to us and the thousands of animals we help every year.