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Kindness has helped Dolly overcome cruelty

It’s impossible to comprehend how anyone could harm any animal. Dolly’s gentle nature stood out to me from the moment we met. Since adopting her, it’s been my mission to show her the love she deserves. But so many animals like her still need our urgent help.

By Dolly's new owner

No animal deserves broken bones

When I look at Dolly today, I see a healthy, happy dog who loves squeaky toys, napping in the sun, and curling up next to me. Her injured foot hasn't stopped her from zooming around on the beach either! She’s full of life.

It’s thanks to a call from a concerned PDSA vet that Dolly got the help she desperately needed. When my RSPCA colleague arrived to collect Dolly, she saw her face was bruised and she was having difficulty walking. There were signs of emotional trauma too. When Dolly cowered from her owner as if she was afraid, we knew something was wrong.

She drove Dolly to RSPCA York, Harrogate and District Branch where staff there took care of her. X-ray results at a private veterinary practice showed the extent of her trauma. Dolly had a fractured skull, dislocated tail and broken foot, all signs suggesting multiple beatings. I was so upset when my colleague told me about what had happened that I knew I had to foster Dolly myself. 

You can make a life-changing difference to animals like Dolly by donating today.

As soon as she’d had surgery on her broken foot, I was able to bring Dolly home with me. At first, she was nervous and afraid of loud noises. But the quiet time we spent together as her foot healed made all the difference. She really responded to gentle reassurance and began to grow in confidence.

Thanks to my colleague's hard work, the PDSA vet who alerted us, the veterinary practice and all the staff at our York, Harrogate and District Branch, Dolly’s safe and well now. 

I couldn’t imagine a sweeter, more affectionate dog than Dolly and I’m so glad she’s safe with me. 

As someone who believes that no animal deserves cruelty, will you help rescue animals like her from the worst abuse this summer, by giving a life-changing donation today?

Dolly enjoying her new life

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