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Merlin’s back to health, but his scars will never fade

His face is a lasting reminder of a shocking ordeal. Since spending time in our care, Merlin’s injuries have healed and he’s no longer frightened. But other animals urgently need the same help.

By RSPCA Inspector Nicole Broster

Merlin’s abuse has stayed with me

The moment I met my forever cat, I knew we were meant for each other. Today, Merlin loves nothing better than curling up with my cat Beau and getting cosy under my bed covers. It’s amazing how affectionate he is.

I’ve seen a lot of cruelty as an RSPCA inspector, but what happened to Merlin still haunts me. He was just a kitten at the time. There was a raw wound where his nose used to be and his back paw was red and inflamed. A fosterer from London charity Feline Friends brought him to us because she was worried he’d been harmed on purpose.

Our vet at RSPCA Finsbury Park Animal Hospital treated Merlin with antibiotics and pain medicine. He was so innocent and friendly, nuzzling up to me. I couldn’t stand the thought of someone hurting him.

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Merlin’s wounds healed but he was left with a deformed leg and nasal issues. We found evidence that Merlin’s former owner had intentionally scalded him with hot water. The RSPCA Prosecutions Team helped us to bring them to justice.

Merlin’s former owner had given him to Feline Friends because they didn’t like the look of his wounded face. But I think he’s perfect. He’s made my family complete. He had to have all his teeth removed and the scarring on his muzzle means he gets uncomfortable ingrown whiskers. He can be quite jumpy – a reminder of his past trauma. But most of the time he’s just a loving, friendly, trusting cat. He’s my living talisman – a sign there is hope, even in the face of awful cruelty.

Thanks to Feline Friends, our vet staff and our Prosecutions Team, Merlin got his happy ending. But too many animals are still living in fear. As someone who believes no animal deserves cruelty, will you help rescue cats like Merlin from the worst abuse this summer? 

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