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When we found Zara she was cowering in fear

This confident cat is nothing like the broken kitten I saved from her attacker. Zara is a bittersweet example of how brave and resilient animals can be. We urgently need your help to transform the lives of more animals like her who are facing heartbreaking cruelty.

By RSPCA Inspector Joanne Taylor

This kitten was scared and in pain

Her forever owners say Zara is the most affectionate cat they’ve ever met. She loves playing with toys, purring on their lap and curling up next to fellow cats Cheeky and Flowey, too. It’s been such a pleasure seeing her transform into the relaxed, friendly cat she was always meant to be.

But when I first met Zara, she was lying at the back of a cat carrier, looking gravely ill. We’d received a call from a witness who saw her owner violently abusing her. When her owner tried to pick her up her, she squirmed and cried. But when I held Zara, she fell quiet in my arms, as if she knew she was safe.

Zara had blood around her eyes and on her paws, so I rushed her to a vet. Sadly, they confirmed a head trauma and bruising that seemed to confirm the cat had been badly beaten. The vet put her on a drip and painkillers.

Please donate an urgent gift now to help us provide critical treatment to animals like Zara.

Zara purred so loudly at the vets that we couldn’t hear her heartbeat. It’s no wonder Jutta Robinson, a veterinary supervisor from our Halifax, Huddersfield, Bradford and District Branch, fell for Zara and volunteered to foster her.

As Zara recovered in Jutta’s care, her friendly and inquisitive nature began to shine through, then we knew Zara was ready for a forever home.

I was over the moon when Zara’s current owners applied to adopt her. Thanks to the kind person who alerted us to her suffering, and Jutta’s dedicated care, this affectionate cat finally got the happy ending she deserved.

No animal deserves cruelty, make change now by donating an urgent gift today.

Zara with new owner

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