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Groom - Clare Ramshaw

Groom Clare walking with horse Lulu © Andrew Forsyth/RSPCA Photolibrary

Clare is one of eight grooms who work at our Felledge Animal Centre. She is enthusiastic about her work and loves all things equine.

Clare's responsibilities

Clare starts each day checking the horses, feeding them their breakfast and turning out the ones that have been stabled overnight. She then mucks out and exercises her allocated horses.

"We're each responsible for up to five horses. The individual circumstance of each horse will determine how many are in the process of being rehabilitated or being broken to ride before rehoming" explains Clare.

Find out more about caring for horses and ponies in the horses pages.

Felledge horses

Groom Clare with horse Lulu © Andrew Forsyth/RSPCA Photolibrary

Many of the horses that come into Felledge Animal Centre are case horses who haven't had the greatest start in life. They have been mistreated or neglected.

Getting these horses back to full health and ready for rehoming can sometimes take months of care and a lot of patience. Clare explains how helping these horses can be the most rewarding part of the job:

I really enjoy working with the horses who don't have a lot of trust in humans, the ones who have been badly treated and are really nervous. It's nice to work with them closely and see the end result of them trusting humans again. 

Clare's horses

Clare has always loved horses and has two of her own, Pedro and Moon. Pedro is 16 years old and has been with Clare for 14 years. Six-year-old Moon is a more recent addition.

Moon was an orphan baby. He was hand-reared and he was one of my first horses to break in when I first started here.

Claire fell in love with Moon and adopted him permanently.

Interested in owning a horse?

Find out what you should consider before owning a horse and find a horse or pony for adoption.

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