RSPCA Shop Next Gen Education
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Veterinary disclaimer

This website contains general advice on those animal-related matters which, in the RSPCA's experience, affect animal lovers and pet owners most often.

Unfortunately, it is not possible in the context of the website to take into account individual situations or consider unusual problems or circumstances.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a particular animal, you should seek further advice and assistance from your vet, the RSPCA or other appropriate expert.

Whilst we try to ensure that the information within this site is accurate, we can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the site content. Users who rely on the information in this site do so at their own risk.

This site is made available for public viewing solely on the basis that the RSPCA excludes to the extent lawfully permitted all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising out of use of this site, or reliance upon its contents.

Please note: Our animal care advice aims to help owners meet their animal¿s needs as required by law. We receive many calls from members of the public concerned about the welfare of animals, each one is assessed to determine the level of suffering. As a charity with limited resources we¿re not always able to respond in the way that would be ideal or as quickly as the emergency services can. In some instances we may not be able to respond at all, due to the way the RSPCA must prioritise the welfare concerns that are brought to our attention.