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Annual General Meeting ('AGM')

Our board of trustees helps ensure we meet our objectives. Find out more about their role in the AGM.

Preliminary Notice of 196th Annual General Meeting

The AGM is a meeting for RSPCA members. Under the RSPCA Rules, an AGM shall be held once a year to receive the annual statement of accounts and the Trustees’ annual report and transacting such other of the Society’s business as may be necessary. 

The RSPCA Board has agreed that the Society’s 196th Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 11 October 2025. 

Further details will be developed in the upcoming months with the AGM Agenda and accompanying papers, together with formal notice of the AGM, being sent to members in August. 

Members’ Resolutions

The deadline for the Society receiving proposed member resolutions for potential inclusion at this year’s AGM is 3pm on Monday 2 June 2025. If members would like to submit a resolution for consideration they can do so by emailing or by post addressed to; RSPCA, Legal Services, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1GY. Members who are considering submitting a resolution should read the General Guidance on Members’ Resolutions. Please note that any resolution received after the deadline will be considered in next year’s AGM cycle. 

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