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Pride and the RSPCA

Celebrating Pride is part of our commitment to be an inclusive charity and to celebrate our LGBTQ+ community within the RSPCA as well as with our supporters and friends. We can create a better world for all, by treating every person and animal with kindness and respect all year round.

Why is the RSPCA supporting pride?

We’re dedicated to being a place where LGBTQ+ people can openly be themselves. Celebrating Pride and supporting our LGBTQ+ community is part of our commitment to being an inclusive charity and to celebrate our diversity. Pride events are important community celebrations that we're proud to be a part of and are just one of the ways we celebrate the community all-year round.

A message from our LGBTQ+ Network

Our LGBTQ+ Network brings together colleagues with a shared interest in topics relevant to LGBTQ+ communities and individuals; either as a member of these communities or as an ally or supporter.

Pride is a significant event in the history of the LGBTQ+ community. Being inclusive for all is synonymous with the RSPCA brand of here for every kind, and that means not just animals but all of our people.

LGBTQ+ Network Senior Sponsors, Cassie Newman and Jeremy Gautrey-Jones
RSPCA colleagues showing their support at London Pride in 2023

What is the RSPCA doing to support our LGBTQ+ communities?

In common with our commitment to other communities, we've developed a forum that colleagues inform us provides psychological safety for our LGBTQ+ colleagues and supporters. Understanding the barriers to why people may not engage with us is key, so we've partnered with LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall.

We're also working on an education and prevention programme which focuses on the needs of the LGBTQ+ community and communicates the evident link between humans and animals.

RSPCA at London Pride in 2023

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