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Lara’s story is one of true resilience

Looking at Lara today it’s hard to imagine the fragile, broken puppy we rescued from unimaginable cruelty. Today she’s a joyful, healthy and confident dog whose life has been completely transformed in our care. We urgently need to do the same for other animals.

By RSPCA Inspector Nicola Johnson

Nothing prepared me for Lara's injuries

Coming back to visit Lara today has made my year. I knew she’d made a full recovery, but I was still stunned to see this bouncy, carefree dog greet me with such a happy, waggy tail. I never fail to be surprised by how resilient dogs can be.

I have witnessed some horrific cruelty as an RSPCA inspector. But nothing prepared me for what Lara had endured at the hands of her former owner. She’d suffered multiple fractures to her skull, ribs and leg, had broken teeth and was covered in other injuries. 

After emergency treatment at a brilliant private vets, Lara had weeks of further care and surgeries at our Newbrook Animal Hospital. Then she moved to RSPCA Cotswold Cats and Dogs Home for rehabilitation. She quickly won the heart of staff member Amy, who took the timid but tenacious puppy home for foster care.

A remarkable recovery

Amy has shown such patience and love, helping Lara slowly overcome her trauma and learn to trust humans again.

Watching her zoom around and play, it’s like she’s living out the puppyhood she was denied. And it’s thanks to the beautiful bond she had with Amy that Lara has now gone on to find a safe, loving adoptive home.

Thanks to the hard work of my fellow RSPCA prosecutions team, Lara’s abuser was brought to justice. At the sentencing, the judge said it was the worst case of cruelty they’d seen. 

I’m so happy that Lara’s story has a happy ending. Could you help us to give more animals the stories they deserve by donating now?

A remarkable recovery

Amy has shown such patience and love, helping Lara slowly overcome her trauma and learn to trust humans again.

Watching her zoom around and play, it’s like she’s living out the puppyhood she was denied. And it’s thanks to the beautiful bond she had with Amy that Lara has now gone on to find a safe, loving adoptive home.

Thanks to the hard work of my fellow RSPCA prosecutions team, Lara’s abuser was brought to justice. At the sentencing, the judge said it was the worst case of cruelty they’d seen. 

I’m so happy that Lara’s story has a happy ending. Could you help us to give more animals the stories they deserve by donating now?

Your support will help us do more

£12 a month could help pay for the intensive care needed to help animals recover from cruelty.


Your support will help us do more

£12 a month could help pay for the intensive care needed to help animals recover from cruelty.


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