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Zola was abandoned in a garden

Zola was abandoned in a garden surrounded by rubbish. Thanks to supporters like you, she's now safe. This winter, more animals like Zola will be abandoned – and they urgently need our help.

By RSPCA Inspector Anthony Joynes
Zola wa abandoned in a garden filled with rubbish.

Zola's owner moved on and left her behind

I'll always remember going to the filthy garden where I found Zola with no food or water and nowhere to shelter. She'd recently had puppies, and it seems once these had been sold the owner moved away. They discarded her like rubbish after she'd served her purpose.

Zola was very nervous when I went into the garden, but soon came round once she realised I was friendly and there to help. She really is a lovely dog. I took her to a vet for health checks and she stayed there for a few days before moving to an RSPCA branch. As I visited her to check on her progress, Zola really bonded with me.

We moved her to our Chesterfield and North Derbyshire branch, who gave her plenty of love during her rehabilitation and it wasn't long before they found Zola her forever home.
Zola was rehabilitated at an RSPCA branch and from there she found her forever home.

A home of her own

Now Zola has a family to call her own, in owners Sarah and Chris. The fun-loving gentle giant loves giving affection and enjoys playing with other dogs. 

"The first time she went into our garden Zola was so excited," Sarah told me. "It was like she knew it was hers to play in. It's so lovely having her around, she's so fun and loving. She's a delight."

Zola is safe and loved now, but other animals need our help. We have to keep coming to their rescue because, for many, the RSPCA is their only hope.  With so many animals counting on us, can we count on you?
Zola has a safe home and new family to take care of her.

Please Join the Winter Rescue

£40 could help rehabilitate animals, allowing them to find a new home this winter.

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