Latest contact details
We now have a single number to phone for clinic appointments, ordering repeat prescriptions and general enquiries about the clinic during opening hours.
The number to call is 01223 609689
You will need to listen to the message and select the correct option using the number keypad on your phone
This will put you in a queue and you will be answered as soon as possible.
The queues are active at the following times:
Appointments: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9.15am-11.15am
Repeat Prescriptions: Tuesday and Thursday: 11.30am-12.30pm
General enquiries: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday: 9am-12.30pm
Wednesday afternoon: 2pm-3pm
Emergencies: 07742 658 086 (any time)
The clinic is at 1 Pool Way, Whitehill Road, Cambridge CB5 8NT
You need to bring proof of benefit each time (Universal Credit details shown on a phone is fine).
There is a consultation fee of £18 and any operations or medicines are done at cost price.
To register at the clinic we need your name and address, the name, age and breed or description of the animal (e.g. 7 year old labrador) and you need to live within 18 miles of Cambridge.
If your pet has already seen a private vet, please ask them to email the medical history to (this email is only for vets and can't be used to ask questions)