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Check out Find a pet for more animals looking for loving new homes in other RSPCA centres and branches.
Adopt an RSPCA animal
We rehome cats only. None of the RSPCA branches in Cumbria have an animal centre and so this branch keeps the animals, which have come into our care, in commercial catteries, (which have been inspected by an RSPCA Field Officer). Spaces in these facilities are limited by finances and other constraints, therefore, we have to prioritise animals in need; mainly those rescued by RSPCA Inspectors because they have been ill treated, neglected or abandoned, but also those brought to our attention by members of the public, especially stray, ill or injured cats and kittens. Consquently we may not be able to take in unwanted pets from the general public.
All of the animals we take in are checked on arrival by a vet and vaccinated, wormed and treated for fleas. If they are not already neutered and microchipped, this is done before they are rehomed. In the case of kittens neutering will be arranged to be done by our vets as soon as they are old enough, as part of the adoption agreement.
To see the animals currently looking for a new safe and loving home please scroll down ....
If you are interested in any of the animals featured here (or wish to enquire about any others we may have who are yet to be put on the website) please contact our Rehomer, Susan, see below:
To meet our cats for rehoming, please contact: Susan Smith on 01228 535930 or email: rspcacarlisle.rehoming@btinternet.com
An appointment will then be made for you to go to the cattery to meet our cats.
We have an adoption fee (which includeds neutering if the animal is too young to be neutered prior to adoption)