Oxfordshire Branch

Volunteering in Oxfordshire

Our animal volunteers make a huge contribution to the work we do. Thanks to the amazing people who are kindly giving their time to run and support the branch, we are able to help animals in need by making sure they are safe, warm, healthy and have a full tummy. 

Volunteering with animals is a rewarding, moving and grounding experience. Whether you are interested in a role as fosterer, driver, home visitor or fundraiser, there are many options to suit all interests and time commitments. 

At the moment, RSPCA Oxfordshire is especially looking for: 

Pet Foster Carers: Rabbits, dogs, cats and small furries need you! After surviving traumatic experiences, neglect and abuse, they need loving and kind fosterers to help them get back on their paws, find their confidence and get ready to find their furever family! Read more about the fosterer role, and check Sian’s story below to see how rewarding it can be.

Home Visiting: The home visitor plays an essential role in finding the perfect match for animals in our care. You will be meeting and talking to potential adopters in their homes to ensure that they have really thought about the implications of owning a pet. Some pets may have additional needs that have found them looking for a new home, so you will need to be able to communicate this clearly to the potential adopter.

Fundraisers: Help us keep our rescue animals well fed and healthy! Whether you want to make a difference on your own, or involve your friends, colleagues and schoolmates, we have all the resources, fundraising materials and ideas you need.

You can set up an online fundraising page, hold a bake sale, challenge your friends and colleagues to some outdoor activities, or finally find the motivation to declutter by organising a car boot sale: head to our fundraising page for tons of other ideas. Request a fundraising pack to get you started!

To enquire about the volunteer roles available at RSPCA Oxfordshire, please email info@rspcaoxford.org.uk stating your postcode, available hours and what role you’re interested in. 

Animal contact roles

We receive many requests for volunteer roles that involve one-on-one time with the animals. For example, socialising, walking, cleaning and feeding.

The Oxfordshire branch of the RSPCA is currently looking for help at the Paws & Claws rabbit centre in Harwell near Didcot. This involves cleaning, cuddling and feeding. For more information please contact us on 07887 475401 or info@rspcaoxford.org.uk.

Our friends at Blackberry Farm in Quainton, Aylesbury are also often recruiting volunteers. 

To find out which roles are available, please use the link below. Click ‘Find a Volunteering Opportunity’ on the right and enter ‘Quainton’ in the search box. 


"We're always looking for people to help us, so even if we don’t have any specific volunteer vacancies listed on the website that might suit you, please get in touch with us." Blackberry Farm

Each wagging tail, loud purr and furry cuddle will melt your heart, boost your mood and take all the worries away! Don’t take our word for it, read what some of our volunteers say: 


“I have always been interested in animal welfare and when I looked up Volunteering Opportunities on the National and Local Oxfordshire RSPCA website I saw that I could volunteer in my local area.

I was very interested in finding out about the Home Visitors role and after attending the Home Visitors course I am now able to visit potential adopters that wish to rehome a rescue animal. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to make sure an animal in need will be able to find a forever loving home. I also help out at Local Microchipping events where I get to meet likeminded volunteers.

I urge anyone that is interested in animal welfare to look at the Oxfordshire RSPCA local branch website to see what opportunities are available in their area.” 


“Fostering is a bumpy rollercoaster ride most of the time. But the highs more than make up for the lows. We have looked after 25 cats and kittens now at all stages in life from pregnancy and newborns to elderly end of life care. We have met so many challenges we'd never have imagined but the joy, satisfaction (and relief!) when you get the kitten to take the bottle or use the litter tray; or coax the shy stray to come out of hiding and ask for cuddles, is just amazing. We know that each cat we've cared for really needed us, and that we've given it a new start in life. The cats we foster tend to be the ones with problems - those that need longer term rehabilitation and can't just be rehomed immediately, or those that aren't coping well in a cattery environment. It is hugely rewarding to know that we (with the help of the vet, the RSPCA and a bit of good luck!) can provide the care they need to get back on track.” 


For a full list of the RSPCA volunteer roles available nationwide, click on how to get involved. We may not have all those volunteer vacancies available at all times, so to find more about the roles we need help with, visit our branch volunteer section.


Want to help ? Please visit our volunteer section to find out more about what you can do.

View volunteering opportunities at Oxfordshire Branch

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