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Adopt an RSPCA animal
Welcome to RSPCA Surrey Woking and District Branch rehoming page; thank you for visiting us!
Can you offer a Forever Home to an animal who desperately needs it?
We have a team of fosterers who take in and re-home cats, rabbits & dogs. Every animal that passes through our care for re-homing is vet-checked, neutered – if not already – and vaccinated against life threatening diseases, and go to homes and families who are vetted by our volunteer Home Visitors.
PLEASE READ - Clarification on re-homing from the RSPCA Surrey Woking & District Branch
We understand with so much uncertainty at present we should explain how we are re-homing; this also applies regardless of the current climate. Sadly, not everyone appreciates our system, nor understands or agrees that our prime duty of care is to find the most suitable new home for our animals. We are extremely lucky as all our animals who are looking for their new homes are in foster homes, not kennels or catteries. This means our experienced foster homes have assessed the animals for our Branch and we know as a team exactly what the animal in question requires. This does mean that your application may not be successful. When following the step by step for re homing (completing a perfect match form and sending it to the perfect match email) you will automatically receive notification that we have received your application. As a Branch we consider and read every single application we receive. To reply to everyone individually explaining that on this occasion your application was not successful is just not possible, there is not enough hours in the day. The notification will explain that if your application is successful a member of the team will be in contact with you to discuss further. Please note if you do not complete a form your interest will not be registered. If the animal, you sent an application form is marked as reserved and a member of the team has not been in contact this is because a family has been selected who our team feel would be suitable.
Sadly, people do take umbrage at this, thinking that it means we feel they are not suitable to have a rescue dog. This is very wrong. If you are not selected for the animal you applied for please do not take it personally, it is not a judgement. It is more likely to be because we do not feel the animal you applied for is suitable for certain situations. If this does happen, we cannot stress enough to not take it personally or feel you have failed. We are purely working endlessly to match the right animal with the right home, we hope everyone can understand and agree with this. Please understand that our biggest aim is to make sure all our animals are happy and that their next adventure is for the long-term as this is important for the animal and the new owners. All our decisions made are a team effort, for the animals’ best interests.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please see our main page adoption tick list ready before applying.