Wirral & Chester Branch

Start your search for a pet today

Our animals are neutered, microchipped and vaccinated (where appropriate) before they are rehomed. Start your search for a pet today. You never know who you might meet and fall in love with.

We have found 34 animals

Adopt an RSPCA animal

Here you can find out about some of the animals in our care, looking for their forever home. 

Within the description of each animal there is a link to an enquiry form that comes straight back to reception so if you are interested in any of the animals, please fill that form in. There is no need to fill in the perfect match form separately. 

You may be aware that Wirral & Chester RSPCA is a separately registered charity to the National RSPCA.  We normally have around 120 cats in our care at any one time and rehome around 500 cats per year. Every cat adopted means we can help another needy cat. 

We have to ask for a rehoming fee to ensure we are able to help the cats of tomorrow. Most cats come to us because they are sick/injured/un-owned so often require veterinary treatment which is funded by the Branch.

All of our cats rehomed by us are


Fully vaccinated



Given routine flea and worm treatment

Vet checked and treated.


Adoption fees

Single cat £120

Pair of cats/kittens £200

Trio of cats £250


Dog Adoption fee is £200


We do not normally rehome animals to families with children under 4 years old as per RSPCA policy.

Wirral & Chester RSPCA also operates a no destruct policy so any cat that is with us will remain in our care until a suitable home can be found.


If you can't find the pet you're looking for now, check back regularly to see if your perfect match has become available. Or visit Find a pet to view other animals in the RSPCA's care across England and Wales who are looking for a new home.