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Gilbert found his happy place

Now he’s settled into a new life on a farm, it’s hard to believe this is the same cat we saved from cruelty. With your help, we can give more animals their second chance.
By RSPCA Inspector Dale Grant

A critical state

When I heard Gilbert was living happily with his new humans, fully recovered and full of life, it was such a relief. The day I took him to our Finsbury Park Animal Hospital, none of us were sure if he’d make it.

My colleague Jade had rescued Gilbert the day before and rushed him to the nearest vet. Unbelievably, his owner had hit him in the face, then put him under a cold shower. He had severe hypothermia and must have been in such pain.

At the hospital our vet found he had a fractured jaw. After three days, his pain relief was reduced and he was starting to eat normally again. Gilbert’s injuries were beginning to heal, but I wondered if there would be mental scars.

Growing in confidence

Once physically recovered, Gilbert was moved to our RSPCA Central London Branch for rehabilitation. “He was quiet at first. But within days he was rubbing his head into my hand and wanting to sit on my lap,” Branch Manager Colette tells me. It soon became clear he was an active cat who loved to play and run around.

When new owner Charlotte spotted him on our website, she quickly planned a visit. “My partner and I had been looking for the right cat for a while,” she says. “Gilbert was perfect. He has such a friendly disposition. We all got on well so we were allowed to bring him home that day.”

Life as a farm cat

Gilbert was uneasy around men at first, but now it seems he’s forgotten his traumatic past. Incredibly, he’s not afraid of water – even choosing to sleep in the couple’s empty bathtub.

“We live on a farm, which Gilbert loves exploring,” says Charlotte. “And we love coming home to him and having a play. We’re so proud of the progress he’s made.”

In the hands of dedicated people, animals like Gilbert can heal, but we need you by our side.

Your support will help us do more

£40 could help fund life-saving operations for animals who have been violently abused.


Your support will help us do more

£40 could help fund life-saving operations for animals who have been violently abused.


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